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Aggressive Dogs:  Aggressive dogs will not be tolerated and will be sent home. Pet parents will be charged for any work that we were able to do. Aggressive dogs should be groomed in a Veterinary setting for their safety as well as the groomer.


* Matting: There will be additional charges for pets with excessively matted coats due to the extra work and time involved. This is why we have required all new clients to stay on a 6 week or less schedule. 



* Late Appointments: Please be on time for your appointment. If you are 15 minutes or more late for your appointment, we will likely have to reschedule, and you will be changed a fee.



* NO SHOWS/lAST MIN CANCELLATIONS:   We are a "by appointment" salon. We block off 1-4 hours of time PER PET. New clients that do not show up for their first appointment without a phone call will not be able to rebook at our salon. Existing clients are given a warning for their first no-show. After that a $30 fee + price of groom (non refundable)must be prepaid to reschedule.  PLEASE be courteous and contact us ASAP if you cannot make your appointment. You may cancel your appointment via email, text, facebook or leaving a message on my voicemail at any time.


All dogs must be leashed. If using a retractable be sure it is in the locked position and kept short. Do not unleash your pet when you arrive. 


* We do our best to maintain a clean environment.  This can be hard for pets that like to "mark".  Belly bands will be place on small male dogs that lift their leg in our establishment.


* We DO NOT groom dogs in heat.  Not only are they temperamental during this time, it also make the males overly excited(yes, even the neutered ones)


PLEASE... do not arrive early to pick up your dog.  We will call you as soon as they are finish being pampered.  It is never our intention to keep your furkids away from you longer than needed.  Showing up early could cause your pup to go into a frenzy and make it not only dangerous but impossible to finish the groom which we will still charge full price for.  Your pup may be here anywhere from 2-4 hours depending on difficulty of groom and how many pets you have.  You may call to check on your furkids progress but remember.... the more time we take answering the phone, the longer it takes us to finish the groom.


* Pets are to be picked up when called on unless prior arrangements have been made at the time of booking your appointment. A daycare fee of $30 per 30 mins (per pet) will be applied to your grooming.

* Please make sure your pup has gone potty before bringing them to the salon.  This will help your dog be more comfortable and at ease while being here.  Dogs are not walked during their spa visit. If using the grassy area please pick up stools and dispose of it properly out of respect for neighboring tenants. Please ask for a poo bag if needed.


* We know all of the dogs are precious and cute and the temptation is hard to resist when you see them being so good on our tables.  We have provided a window so that you may see the going ons in our salon.  However, talking to them, touching them and knocking on the window gets them excited and can create a very dangerous situation. Do not come enter the grooming area without an invitation. Should you have children with you, please ask them to speak quietly so they don't over excite the dogs.


* We have a no flea policy.  If you know/suspect your dog has fleas, please pick up a capstar at any vet or some feed stores and administer to your pet 30 mins prior to bringing them to the Salon. If live fleas are seen on your dog you will incur an additional $20 fee for fumigation.

In an effort to remain cage free we need you to pick up your pets quickly. We simply do not have space to house dogs. A $30 Daycare fee will be applied if your pet is not picked up within 30 mins of call/text home.

We ALWAYS give a 20 minute heads up before completion of the grooming session.

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